On-Grid Solar & Battery Consultation & Report

Who can Benefit ?

Get Independent Advice to help you make the Right Choices if you are:

  • Installing a New Solar Power (and Battery ?) System
  • Adding Batteries to an Existing Solar Power System
  • Adding More Solar Panels to an Existing Solar Power System
  • Installing New Electrical Appliances (eg. Heat Pump HWS, an EV) and you want to ensure a New or Upgraded Solar Power System can meet the Added Electricity Demand
  • Getting Off Gas / Going All-Electric and you want to ensure a New or Upgraded Solar Power System can meet the Added Electricity Demand


What is Included ?

  1. Requirements Consultation (by Phone) to establish your Motivations, Expectations & Objectives and Details about your Property and Energy Usage.
  2. Pre-Approval Application to Mains Grid Operator (DNSP) for Permission to install (confirming Export-Limit which determines Export-Earnings)
  3. Data Analysis of Electricity Bill & Smart Meter Data.
  4. Modelling of Demand (eg. How will Electricity Demand increase if you replace your Gas Hot Water Service with a Heat Pump Hot Water Service and/or buy an Electric Vehicle (EV) ... and how will that impact the Solar Contribution ???)
  5. Demand Assessment Report A Digital PDF Copy of a Written Report breaking down your Existing Electricity Demand and Modelled Elecricity Demand Scenarios (eg. With a New Electric Vehicle (EV)) so you can see:
    • When you are using Electricity ? (Average Daily and Hourly Demand for Each Season of the Year)
    • On Which Meter Register is Electricity being Imported from the Mains Grid? (Some Import might be occurring on Dedicated Circuits that cannot be supplied by a Solar Power System)
    • How much of Total Demand is being met by Mains Import or by an Existing Solar Power System ? (if applicable)
    • How much of the Generation fron an Existing Solar Power System is being Used Onsite and how much is being Exported ? (if applicable)
    • How Electricity Demand would increase if you made Major Changes - eg. Replaced a Gas Hot Water Service with a Heat Pump Hot Water Service, or purchased an Electric Vehicle (EV) ?
    [ Sample Demand Assessment Report (HAS EXISTING SOLAR, DAILY TOTALS) ]
    [ Sample Demand Assessment Report (HAS EXISTING SOLAR, DAILY, HOURLY, DAY OF WEEK) ]
    [ Sample Demand Assessment Report (MODELLED DEMAND) ]
  6. Adding Solar Panels & Battery Report A Digital PDF Copy of a Written Report considering a Range of appropriate System Sizes (Solar Panel (kW) Capacity & Battery (kWh) Capacity) for Your Existing Demand (and if appropriate) Modelled Demand, giving Indicative:
    • Proportion of Demand supplied by Solar (Directly and via Battery) and the Mains Grid
    • Annual Savings
    • Ongoing Bills Remaining to Pay
    • System Prices
    • Payback Periods
    [ Sample Adding Solar Panel & Battery Scenarios Report ]
  7. Component Recommendations (eg. Inverter, Battery, Panels) to suit Your Specific Objectives / Values considering both:
    • Technology Type (eg. String Inverter vs MicroInverters)
    • Specific Brands
  8. Report Review Consultation (One Hour via Zoom) to review & discuss Report findings and work towards a List of Recommended Actions to source Quotations for
  9. Review of Quotations from Solar Power (and Hot Water) Suppliers


How Much does it Cost ?

$ 220 Incl GST


Are there Any Requirements ?

  1. Grid-Connection - Your Property must be connected to the Mains Electricity Grid
  2. Sharing of Data You must share your Most Recent Electricity Bill (and Gas Bill if applicable) and grant permission for us to access your Smart Meter Data
  3. 12 Months of Data You must have been in the Property for at least 12 Months to allow access to sufficient Smart Meter Data to produce an Accurate Analysis
  4. A Valid Email Address
  5. An Internet Connection & Personal Computer so that you can view Digitial PDF Copies of Written Reports and attend Remote Zoom Meeting to discuss Findings


How do I Proceed ?

Complete the Online Enquiry Form and you will receive a Confirmation Email with Further Instructions ...